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New Arrivals

Ben Ish Chai- Biography: The Life, Times and Heritage of Rabbi Yosef Hayyim of Baghdad

Ben Ish Chai- Biography: The Life, Times and Heritage of Rabbi Yosef Hayyim of Baghdad

A fascinating enigma surrounds the name of Rabbi Yosef Hayyim of Baghdad.How did a quiet Torah scholar of only twenty-five find himself at the helm of the community that he would lead like a king for the next fifty years, with no official position or salary?Price: $74.49

Ensayos Sobre Etica

Ensayos Sobre Etica

En el primer capítulo del Génesis, la Torá nos está diciendo algo radical. La realidad por la cual se guía la Torá es moral y ética. La pregunta que el Génesis busca contestar no es “¿cóm..

Price: $26.95

Pacto Y Conversacion: Exodus

Pacto Y Conversacion: Exodus

The Torah is an encounter between past and present, moment and eternity, that frames Jewish consciousness. In this long-anticipated five-volume collection of parashat hashavua, Rabbi Sir Jonathan Sacks explores these intersections as they relate to universal conc..

Price: $26.95

Mesores Moshe

Mesores Moshe

Mesores Moshe

  • English Edition
  • Halachos, Insights And Hanhagos of Maran Hagaon Harav Moshe Feinstein Zt"l
9 Branch Candelabra [X5268B&91;

9 Branch Candelabra [X5268B&91;

9 Branch Candelabra

Silver Plated 

Height 15"


Price: $159.99

Talmud Babli Edicion Tashema - Hebrew/Spanish Gemara Bava Metzia Vol 3 / Tratado de Baba Metzia 3 #56

Talmud Babli Edicion Tashema - Hebrew/Spanish Gemara Bava Metzia Vol 3  / Tratado de Baba Metzia 3  #56


Spanish translated gemara; Talmud Bavli Baba Metzia Vol 3. This is a very nice Gemara with the Gemara, Rashi and Tosafot all translated into spanish. (The Gemara and Rashi on the page and the Tosafot in t..

Price: $79.99

Talmud Babli Edicion Tashema - Hebrew/Spanish Gemara Bava Metzia Vol 2 / Tratado de Baba Metzia 2 #55

Talmud Babli Edicion Tashema - Hebrew/Spanish Gemara Bava Metzia Vol 2  / Tratado de Baba Metzia 2  #55


Spanish translated gemara; Talmud Bavli Baba Metzia Vol 2. This is a very nice Gemara with the Gemara, Rashi and Tosafot all translated into spanish. (The Gemara and Rashi on the page and the Tosafot in t..

Price: $79.99

Talmud Babli Edicion Tashema - Hebrew/Spanish Gemara Baba Kamma Vol 3 / Tratado de Baba Kamma IV #53

Talmud Babli Edicion Tashema - Hebrew/Spanish Gemara Baba Kamma Vol 3  / Tratado de Baba Kamma IV #53


Spanish translated gemara. Bava Kamma Vol 4, Daf. This is a very nice Gemara with the Gemara, Rashi and Tosafot all translated into spanish. (The Gemara and Rashi on the page and the Tosafot in the back)<..

Price: $79.99

Mishnah Berurah [14 vol pocket size&91; / משנה ברורה עוז והדר מנוקד

Mishnah Berurah [14 vol pocket size&91; / משנה ברורה עוז והדר מנוקד

Important Halachik work by the Chafetz Chaim, Rabbi Yisrael Meir(HaKohen) Kagan (1838-1933), on Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim. Pocket size edition. (Halacha)

Price: $34.99

Peninim Umargalios Chelek Bais/ פנינים ומרגליות- חלק ב

Peninim Umargalios Chelek Bais/  פנינים ומרגליות- חלק ב

Studies in Talmudic Methodology and miscellaneous essays on Tanach, Talmud, liturgy and history.

Among the most remarkable, yet barely known, sages of the 1900s is surely Rav Reuven Margaliot. His works cover all ..

Price: $24.49

The Eternal Light Hard Cover Volume #11

The Eternal Light Hard Cover Volume #11

The Eternal Light Hard Cover Volume #11:

The Chozeh of Lublin

Reb Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev

The Shpola Zeida


Price: $19.99

Shiurei Issur VeHeter Chelek Alef / שיעורי איסור והיתר א׳ הרב רימון

Shiurei Issur VeHeter Chelek Alef / שיעורי איסור והיתר א׳ הרב רימון


Joel, Obadiah, and Micah Facing the Storm

Joel, Obadiah, and Micah Facing the Storm

Joel, Obadiah, and Micah

Facing the Storm

Drawing from the best of traditional and contemporary scholarship, master teacher Rab..

Price: $28.95

Or Hahar La Luz Del Sinai-The Light Of Sinai-Rav Harari

Or Hahar La Luz Del Sinai-The Light Of Sinai-Rav Harari


Only The Torah - which is the book of life - and the Mussar teach us the best and most appropriate way to live. This..

Price: $34.99

Toraton-Que Tanto Puedes Y Quieres Aprender S/C

Toraton-Que Tanto Puedes Y Quieres Aprender S/C
Nuevo libro de preguntas en forma de juego para disfrutar en familia, divertido y didáctico para todas las edades.
Consta de 5 temas diferentes. Junto con sus ..

Price: $29.99

Perek Shira Tikun Hakelali

Perek Shira Tikun Hakelali


Un libro muy completo que no debe faltar en ningún hogar ya..

Price: $37.99

Salmos Fonetica

Salmos Fonetica

Size: 6" x 6" 

Price: $31.99

Salmos Tehilim Otzar Shelomo - Kotel

Salmos Tehilim Otzar Shelomo - Kotel


Nueva edición bilingüe de los Salmos en formato pequeño, tamaño bolsillo, ideal para transportar. Al ..

Price: $23.99

Salmos Tehilim Otzar Shelomo - Flower

Salmos Tehilim Otzar Shelomo - Flower


Nueva edición bilingüe de los Salmos en formato pequeño, tamaño bolsillo, ideal para transportar. Al ..

Price: $23.99

La Biblia Explicado 5 Meguilot Set

La Biblia Explicado 5 Meguilot Set

5 MEGUILOT - set

¡Por fin en español una edición bilingüe y completa de las Cinco Meguilot Price: $129.99

Shulchan Chaim / שלחן חיים

Shulchan Chaim / שלחן חיים
  • Hardcover
  • 5"x7"

שולחן חיים - סדר ברית יצחק, חנוכת הבית / בן איש חי
* סדר ברית יצחק
* סדר חנוכת הב..

Price: $11.99

Megillat Esther Graphic Novel (english/spanish/french)

Megillat Esther Graphic Novel (english/spanish/french)

Experience all the suspense, intrigue, redemption, and humor that has captivated generations of Purim holiday celebrants as the classic tale comes to life in ESTHER, the Graphic Novel.

El Manantial De Los Jardines (springs of emunah - Spanish)

El Manantial De Los Jardines (springs of emunah - Spanish)
  • Rabbi Shalom Arush
  • Spanish 
  • PU H/C color varies
  • 5"x7"

Price: $23.95

Shalos Tshuvos Mayan Omer-Shiurei Halacha - Ovadai Yosef 18 Vol. / שות מעין אומר-שיעורי הלכה-עובדיה יוסף

Shalos Tshuvos Mayan Omer-Shiurei Halacha - Ovadai Yosef 18 Vol. / שות מעין אומר-שיעורי הלכה-עובדיה יוסף

An 18 Volume collection of the Shaalos and Tshuvas by Rabbi Ovadai Yosef on Halacha.

Price: $279.99

Covenant & Conversation 2 Vol. Family Edition

Covenant & Conversation 2 Vol. Family Edition

Rabbi Sacks zt”l believed that the primary institution of education in the life of a Jewish child is the family. The Covenant & Conversation Family Edition is a resource for parents, families, and educators to enhance intergenerational conversations sur..

Price: $57.99

Ceremony & Celebration Family Edition

Ceremony & Celebration Family Edition

For Rabbi Sacks zt”l, the primary institution of education in the life of a Jewish child is the family. The The Ceremony & Celebration Family Edition is a resource for parents, families, and educators to enhance intergenerational conversations surroundi..

Price: $28.99

Arguments For The Sake Of Heaven

Arguments For The Sake Of Heaven

What is the future of the Jewish people? In Arguments for the Sake of Heaven, Jonathan Sacks, Chief Rabbi Elect of the United Hebrew Congregations of the British Commonwealth, explores the contemporary issues that are influencing Judaism and the controversies tha..

Price: $19.49

Kosher ADHD Surviving and Thriving in the Torah-Observant World

Kosher ADHD Surviving and Thriving in the Torah-Observant World
I welcome this weighty professional composition authored by my good fri..

Price: $19.49

Les voix de l'Alliance - Genése et exode

Les voix de l'Alliance - Genése et exode

Dans ce premier volume, le rabbin Jonathan Sacks nous livre ses réflexions sur les portions hebdomadaires de la Torah (paracha) pour les livres de la Genèse et de l'Exode.
R' Sacks mêle avec une habi..

Price: $32.99



No piensen que los líderes son diferentes al resto de nosotros. No lo son…Lo que diferencia a un líder de alguien que no lo es, no es el puesto que ocupa o la función que desempeña, sino más bien una actitud b&a..

Price: $26.95

I Sing - Avraham Fried

I Sing - Avraham Fried
  • "I Sing" From Avraham Fried
  • 14 Songs
  • Hard Cover Book
  • English or Hebrew version available.
  • Price: $39.95

Lucite oil Menorah

Lucite oil Menorah


This classy and sleek lucite menorah, lends a sophisticated and modern touch with its angled cut.Price: $94.99

Standing Zemiros

Standing Zemiros
This splendid spiral-top Zemiros is the perfect solution to Shabbos table clutter. It’s got a high-quality, sleek leather design, but still boasts an easy-to-read and easy-to-flip style. Concise instructions will guide you through the Seudah. This unique ..

Price: $29.99

Chanuka / חנוכה הלכה ממקורה

Chanuka  / חנוכה הלכה ממקורה

Rav Yosef Tzvi Rimon: Chanuka - From the Sources - HEBREW

Where do you light candles in an apartment building - in a window or in the stairwell? Wh..

Price: $34.99

Crystal Menorah - Gold Feet

Crystal Menorah  - Gold Feet

Size: About 6" x 13"

Price: $69.99

Crystal Menorah-Gray Tint Glass

Crystal Menorah-Gray Tint Glass

Size: About 7" x 14"

Price: $69.99

Gold plated Menorah - 19"

Gold plated Menorah - 19"

Gold plated menorah.

Price: $99.99

Two Tone Silver/Gold plated Menorah - 19"

Two Tone Silver/Gold plated Menorah - 19"

 silver/gold plated menorah.

Price: $99.99

Let There be Light-Genesis, Tawil/Rinberg

Let There be Light-Genesis, Tawil/Rinberg

This book is designed to allow you, the intelligent layperson, biblical student, or scholar, to better understand and appreciate the plain and simple meaning of the text of the Book of Genesis.

The biblical figure Abraham was born in the great Mesopotamian city of..

Price: $36.99

Hasidic Relics, Cultural Encounters

Hasidic Relics, Cultural Encounters

 Embark on an odyssey into the enchanting realms of Hasidism. Hasidic Relics: Cultural Encounters invites you on a journey to the captivating, lesser-known landscapes of Hasidism, an unfurling tapestry of stories and history, thoughts and discoveries, people and communities. As each..

Price: $27.99

Frayed, The Dispute Unraveling Religious Zionist

Frayed, The Dispute Unraveling Religious Zionist

Religious Zionists are an increasingly influential part of Israeli society, and their influence is felt across the societal spectrum. They are a significant force in almost every sector of Israel, including the media and legal, military, and financial spheres. Their growing prominence, h..

Price: $27.99

Unbroken Spirit P/B

Unbroken Spirit P/B

Yosef Mendelevich is a true hero of one of the most successful human rights struggles in history: the rescue of Soviet refuseniks and Prisoners of Zion from an antisemitic captivity.... This remarkable memoir must be read by all who love freedom and cherish the right to practice their religion..

Price: $27.99

Ma Ahavti Torasecha / מה אהבתי תורתך (5 כרכים)

Ma Ahavti Torasecha / מה אהבתי תורתך (5 כרכים)

מה אהבתי תורתךPrice: $79.99

Chidushei R' Chaim HaLevi Al HaRambam Im Moreshes HaGrach Vol 2 / חדושי רבנו חיים הלוי על הרמב"ם עם מורשת הגר"ח חלק ב

Chidushei R' Chaim HaLevi Al HaRambam Im Moreshes HaGrach Vol 2 / חדושי רבנו חיים הלוי על הרמב"ם עם מורשת הגר"ח חלק ב

Commentary from Rabbeinu Chaim Halevi Soleveitchik of Brisk.

חדושי רבנו חיים הלוי חידושים וביאורים על הרמב"ם מאת רבנו הגדול הגאון החסיד רבן ומאורן של כל בני ..

Price: $26.99

Chidushei R' Chaim HaLevi Al HaRambam Im Moreshes HaGrach Vol 1 / חדושי רבנו חיים הלוי על הרמב"ם עם מורשת הגר"ח חלק א

Chidushei R' Chaim HaLevi Al HaRambam Im Moreshes HaGrach Vol 1 / חדושי רבנו חיים הלוי על הרמב"ם עם מורשת הגר"ח חלק א

Commentary from Rabbeinu Chaim Halevi Soleveitchik of Brisk.

חדושי רבנו חיים הלוי חידושים וביאורים על הרמב"ם מאת רבנו הגדול הגאון החסיד רבן ומאורן של כל בני ..

Price: $24.99

Raising Royalty Vol. 1

Raising Royalty Vol. 1


Volume 1.

An Encyclopedic Collection Of Chinuch Lessons From Our Gedolim 

Are you a parent searching for Authentic Torah guidance on how to raise your children? Are you a teacher seeking success in educating the next generation..

Price: $24.50

I Guarantee, The Rambams Promise

I Guarantee, The Rambams Promise

The Rambam, Moshe Maimonides, was a great doctor as well as a Torah scholar. He understood that germs and viruses only affect bodies that are unhealthy and cannot fight back. When disease attacks body tissues that are saturated with sugar and other poisons, the r..

Price: $32.99

Machzor Tefilla Bekavana ( Teimani - Baladi) [CHAGIM&91; / מחזור תפילה בכוונה נוסח בלדי

Machzor Tefilla Bekavana ( Teimani - Baladi) [CHAGIM&91;  / מחזור תפילה בכוונה נוסח בלדי

According to the minhag of the Jews of Yemen (Baladi).

Size: 6" x 8"


Price: $124.99

Siddur Tefila Bekavana ( Teimani - Baladi) סידור תפילה בכוונה נוסח בלדי

Siddur Tefila Bekavana ( Teimani - Baladi)    סידור תפילה בכוונה נוסח בלדי

A Weekday/Shabat siddur according to the minhag of the Jews of Yemen (Baladi).

  • Size: 5" x 7"

Price: $15.95

Shut Min Hashamayim (Rav Reuven Margaliot) / שו"ת מן השמים

Shut Min Hashamayim (Rav Reuven Margaliot)  / שו"ת מן השמים

Among the most remarkable, yet barely known, sages of the 1900s is surely Rav Reuven Margaliot. His works cover all areas of Torah study, and in a style which is truly unique.
Many of Rav Margaliot's works adopt the tools of "Bible criticism" in the service of true Torah study. It truly ap..

Price: $22.99

Sefer HaYashar Menukad/ ספר הישר

Sefer HaYashar Menukad/ ספר הישר

Midrash on the Torah (vowelized text). 

Price: $12.95

Dip Bowl Set - 4 dish w/ Spoons

Dip Bowl Set - 4 dish w/ Spoons
  • Glass Dishes 
  • Lucite Lid
  • Spoons

Price: $39.99

Dip Bowl Set - 3 dish w/ Spoons

Dip Bowl Set - 3 dish w/ Spoons
  • Glass Dishes 
  • Lucite Lid
  • Spoons

Price: $29.99

Dip (Candy) Bowl Set w/ Spoons

Dip (Candy) Bowl Set w/ Spoons

Glass Dishes

Price: $49.99

Crystal Salt Dish on Stand w/ Spoon

Crystal Salt Dish on Stand w/ Spoon

Silver plated salt holder with glass cup insert and spoon.

Price: $15.99

Las Ensenanzas Del Talmud, En Yaacob, Suca Y Betza

Las Ensenanzas Del Talmud, En Yaacob, Suca Y Betza

 Ein Yaacov - Spanish

Suca y Betza

11 x 9"

Price: $57.50

Days Of Awe

Days Of Awe

Peninei Halakha is a comprehensive series of books on Jewish law applied to today’s ever-changing world. In this series, Rabbi Eliezer Melamed’s well-organized, clear, and concise writing style brings the halakha, from principle to pract..

Price: $23.99

Chumash Mikraot Gedolot (Heichalot - 5 vol.) / חומש מקראות גדולות -היכלות

Chumash Mikraot Gedolot  (Heichalot  - 5 vol.)  /  חומש מקראות גדולות -היכלות

The Torah with classical commentaries. Very fine print. and very practical for students.


Price: $89.99

Hammered Silverplated Mayim Achronim - Larger size

Hammered Silverplated Mayim Achronim - Larger size

 Mayim Achronim is an ancient Jewish practice of washing the hands before reciting the Grace after Meals known as "Birkat HaMazon".


Price: $69.95

Tikun Korim -Simanim (For Gabboim) / תיקון קוראים סימנים לגבאי

Tikun Korim -Simanim (For Gabboim)   /  תיקון קוראים סימנים לגבאי

The most complete and helpful Tikkun available! With an original method for teaching the reader to remember the cantillations through many visual aids and helpful devices. Stresses hard-to-identify vowels and points out potential problem areas. With haftaros and ..

Price: $69.95

Sefer Ot Chaim & Siach Chaim / ספר אות חיים שיח חיים - בן איש חי

Sefer Ot Chaim & Siach Chaim / ספר אות חיים שיח חיים - בן איש חי

ספר אות חיים

דרושים לבר מצוה, נישואין וחינוך

שיח חיים

דרושים לעצירת גשמים, למגיפה ומיתת ..

Price: $22.95

Midrash Talpiot (2 Vol.) / מדרש תלפיות מנוקד- ב"כ

Midrash Talpiot (2 Vol.) / מדרש תלפיות - ב"כ

A famous collection of midrashim by Rabbi Eliyahu HaKohen of Izmir, arranged by the order of topics according to the alef bet.(vowelized text / menukad)

Price: $26.99

Or Hahalacha Brachos - 2 vol / אור ההלכה ברכות

Or Hahalacha Brachos - 2 vol / אור ההלכה ברכות

 יו"ל ע"י הרב דוד הכהן שליט"א 

Or Hahalacha Birchos Hashachar / אור ההלכה ברכות השחר

Or Hahalacha Birchos Hashachar / אור ההלכה ברכות השחר

 יו"ל ע"י הרב דוד הכהן שליט"א 

Or Hahalacha Niddah / אור ההלכה נדה

Or Hahalacha Niddah / אור ההלכה נדה

 יו"ל ע"י הרב דוד הכהן שליט"א 

Silver Plated Achronim set - Shiny Silver

Silver Plated Achronim set - Shiny Silver

 Mayim Achronim is an ancient Jewish practice of washing the hands before reciting the Grace after Meals known as "Birkat HaMazon".


Price: $44.95

The Koren Kol Yaakob Shalem Siddur Spanish- Nosah Aram Soba E"M

The Koren Kol Yaakob Shalem Siddur Spanish- Nosah Aram Soba E"M

El Kol Yaakob Siddur reúne los fuertes Minhagim y las tradiciones de la comunidad siria con la hermosa traducción y comentario del rabino Jonathan Sacks, como se ve en otras ediciones de The Shalem Siddur.

Shivim Panim LeTorah / שבעים פנים לתורה

Shivim Panim LeTorah / שבעים פנים לתורה

שבעים תירוצים לקושיא אחת בסתירת דברי רב אשי במסכת פסחים לדבריו במסכת זבחים מאת הגאון רבי יוסף ענגיל נערך ע”י הרב אברהם יחיאל הלר הכהן

Price: $19.99

Aderet Eliyahu / אדרת אליהו השלם – הגר”א 3 כרכים

Aderet Eliyahu / אדרת אליהו השלם – הגר”א 3 כרכים

 ביאורי מרנא ורבנא
רבינו אליהו מוילנא
על חמשה חומשי תורה

Price: $68.99

Igeret Rav Sherira Gaon / אגרת רב שרירא גאון

Igeret Rav Sherira Gaon / אגרת רב שרירא גאון

אגרת רב שרירא גאון

יו”ל במהדורה תורנית מדעית בפעם הראשונה
עם תרגום מדוייק ללשון הקו..

Price: $24.99

Shaar HaKavanos Large Size / שער הכוונות גדול

Shaar HaKavanos Large Size / שער הכוונות גדול

Features the writings and commentary on prayer by the great mekkubal Yitzchak Luria - the Ari HaKadosh , (1534-1572). See sample pages

Price: $53.95

Sefer Etz Chaim 6 vol - Ateret Shlomo / ספר עץ החיים המבואר

Sefer Etz Chaim 6 vol - Ateret Shlomo / ספר עץ החיים המבואר

Etz Chaim is a literary work that deals with the Kabbalah, the book was written in 1573. The book of Etz Chaim is a summary of the teachings of the Ashkenazi Rabbi Isaac Luria, the Arizal (1534-1572). The Arizal was a rabbi and a kabbalist who created a new tende..

Price: $249.99

Sefer Etz Chaim - Rabbi Chaim Vital / ספר עץ חיים

Sefer Etz Chaim - Rabbi Chaim Vital / ספר עץ חיים

Etz Chaim is a literary work that deals with the Kabbalah, the book was written in 1573. The book of Etz Chaim is a summary of the teachings of the Ashkenazi Rabbi Isaac Luria, the Arizal (1534-1572). The Arizal was a rabbi and a kabbalist who created a new tende..

Price: $37.99

Kitzur Shulchan Aruch Harav Ovadia for Woman / קיצור שולחן ערוך הרב עובדיה לאשה ולבת

Kitzur Shulchan Aruch Harav Ovadia for Woman / קיצור שולחן ערוך הרב עובדיה לאשה ולבת

 קיצור שולחן ערוך לאשה ולבת - הרב עובדיה יוסף..

Price: $59.99

Mikraot Gedolot Chumash Nechmad Lemareh (5 vol.) / חומש מקראות גדולות נחמד למראה

Mikraot Gedolot Chumash Nechmad Lemareh (5 vol.)  /  חומש מקראות גדולות נחמד למראה

The Torah with classical commentaries. Very fine print. and very practical for students.

מהדורה מפוארת ומיוחדת באותיות מאירות עיניים עם כ"ב מפרשי התורה. באותיות מרובעות ומרווחות.

Shalom Rav Haggada

Shalom Rav Haggada

Shalom Rav Haggada-Rabbi Shalom Rosner

The night of the Seder is an opportunity not on..

Price: $29.95

The Ben Ish Chai Sephardic Haggadah

The Ben Ish Chai Sephardic Haggadah
  • cover color varies

Price: $36.99

Rav Elyashiv Haggadah / הגדה של פסח – ישא ברכה

Rav Elyashiv Haggadah / הגדה של פסח – ישא ברכה


הגדה של פסח – ישא ברכה 

Haggadah Peninei Hachida /הגדה של פסח – פניני החיד”א

Haggadah Peninei Hachida /הגדה של פסח – פניני החיד”א


הגדה של פסח – פניני החיד”א 

Rav Ovadia Yosef Haggadah / הגדה של פסח יוסף דעת

Rav Ovadia Yosef Haggadah / הגדה של פסח יוסף דעת

עם הלכות בדיקת חמץ, ערב החג וליל הסדר שנערכו ע"י ר' דוד יוסף. מאות משלים וספורים שנערכו ע"י ר' שלום ולך.

Hagada De Pesaj- Spanish Haggada Shel Pesach

Hagada De Pesaj- Spanish Haggada Shel Pesach

Passover Haggadah in Spanish with instructions, phonetics and translation.

  • Binding: Paperback
  • La..

    Price: $14.99

Shut Pelach Harimon Chelek Alef / שו"ת פלח הרימון א

Shut Pelach Harimon Chelek Alef / שו"ת פלח הרימון א


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