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Be'or Tanya (3 Vol) / ביאור תניא

  • New version 2021
  • Be'or Tanya (now 9 Volumes) / ביאור תניא, old version

Product Description

A Commentary on the Tanya

In Be'or Tanya, Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz provides a comprehensive commentary on the Tanya, an early work of Hasidic philosophy that serves as a guide to daily living in the Chabad movement. This work explains basic concepts and terminology and brings in resources and references to clarify the text.

The Tanya is the fundamental work of Hasidic thought. In it Rabbi Schnuer Zalmen also known as the Alter Rebbe, deals with the inner human struggle, the anatomy of the soul, and the ideal toward which Jews should strive.  Biur Tanya is Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz's "oral Torah" intended to guide the reader through the "written Torah" that is the Tanya. It contains text of the Tanya as it is written by the Alter Rebbe, and full of commentary by Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz.


  • Likutei Amarim volume A
  • Likutei Amarim volume B
  • Shaar Hayihud Vehaemuna+Igeret Hateshuva

ביאור תניא


By: Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz

Available in Hebrew only

ביאור מלא לספר התניא, ספר היסוד של חסידות חב"ד, העוקב אחר כל דברי הספר ומבארם באמצעות הבאת מקורות ומראי מקום. כמו כן בספר הסברים נרחבים של מושגי היסוד והשקפת עולמה של החסידות בכלל.

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