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TIKKUN CHAZOT HAMEVOAR HALACHOS/ תיקון חצות המבואר-הלכות ומנהגות

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  • TIKKUN CHAZOT HAMEVOAR HALACHOS     תיקון חצות המבואר-הלכות ומנהגות

Product Description

The Tikkun Chazot Hamevoer speaks on the  importance of Tikkun Chazot, it's meaning and sources from many Great Rabbanim such as the Maran z"l Shulchan Aruch, The Chida z"l, The Ben Ish Chai z"l, and other works. The sefer also brings down the halachot and different minhagim of Tikkun Chazot, The time to say it, The mizmorim, Tikkun Rachel and Tikkun Leah, and more.

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