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Thank You

  • Thank You

Product Description

    Gratitude: Formulas, stories and insights

Parents teach young children that "Please" and "Thank you" are "magic words," yet as we grow older we forget this lesson. Few of us realize that cultivating a genuine sense of gratitude will impact on our happiness, our marriage, even on our sense of self-worth. Being ungrateful for the many blessings in our lives distances us from our Creator and spoils our relationships with other people.

You would think that it would be easy to master gratitude - you simply have to decide to be grateful for all the good in your life. But it doesn't work that way! Developing gratitude as a mindset requires a deeper understanding of this challenge and we need an expert guide to help us along.

With his classic good humor and rich insights, Rabbi Zelig Pliskin wrote this handbook to help you achieve your goal. In his words: "After reading this book, you will notice positive things that you hadn't noticed before. You will be more aware of the good that others do for you. You will find your level of happiness increasing. Your love for the Creator will increase."

What's more - you will know how to teach your children to express gratitude and experience a serenity you've never felt before. You will want to sit right down and write a note to Rabbi Pliskin saying, "Your uplifting book changed my life. Thank you!"

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