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Melting Pot by Dafi Forer Kremer-Cook Book With Dvar Torah

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  • Melting Pot by Dafi Forer Kremer-Cook Book With Dvar Torah

Product Description

Melting Pot is divided into six chapters, one for each of the Five Books of the Torah, with the last chapter celebrating the Jewish and Israeli festivals. Each chapter is dedicated to a particular meal course, in addition to commemorating each of the six decades since the State of Israel’s founding.


In the Ethics of the Fathers, Rabbi Shimon says: "Three who eat together and speak words of Torah, it is as if they had eaten at God's table." A brand new book, launched this week in Israel, brings together food and Torah, giving its readers the opportunity to share their meal with the Divine presence.

Melting Pot, written to honour the State of Israel during its 60th year, reflects the many Jewish voices and tastes from Israel and all over the world.

There is a recipe to match each week's Torah portion - with an additional chapter for other Jewish and Israeli festivals - combined with a specially-written article by leading educators in

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