From the main screen, the power of the product is readily apparent. You can spell-check and translate a word, browse the bilingual dictionary, cross-check a translation, view synonyms, tense, gender, root and more. As a standalone program, simply type in a word and its translations appear. The word can be typed in English and have the translation in Hebrew or vice versa. When run in background mode, you highlight a word (English or Hebrew) in your word processor, Internet or anywhere else, press the hotkey or middle mouse button and the Jerusalem Dictionary window appears with the word already entered into the input box with its translations displayed. You can also do the same with an entire sentence or two, instead of just a single word, in which case a window appears with the full text translation!
If you want to go deeper into the meaning of a word, there is a button that takes you to the Internet and displays a detailed encyclopedic description.
In addition, you can have an English word translated into a variety of other languages, such as French, Italian, Arabic, Chinese, Russian and more by clicking on one of the language buttons on the main screen.
When a word is misspelled, a list of close words is presented from which to choose the correctly spelled word. The program will let you know if the word is a noun, adjective, pronoun, etc. or possibly several of them at once.
Languages and use of expressions can be a curious thing. An expression used in English cannot be literally translated word for word into another language and mean the same thing. Jerusalem Dictionary includes a list of thousands of bilingual expressions.
Jerusalem Dictionary can display over 8,000 tables of fully conjugated Hebrew and English verbs, showing all tenses and persons.
There are additional buttons on the main screen for such things as currency rates and English to Hebrew medical and legal terms.
Use this system to help translate websites, business documents, school work and research. Take advantage of this technology to make your communications and correspondence more effective!
This is a product you’ll be glad you have around.
Features - Jerusalem Dictionary II