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Gemara Menukad - Makkos גמרא מנוקד - מכות

  • Gemara Menukad - Makkos     גמרא מנוקד - מכות

Product Description

In A League Of It's Own... One of a Kind! This Menukad (with vowels) Gemara follows Tzuras Hadaf Unaltered From the Original Text. The unique quality of this Gemara is that it includes the vowels allowing one to learn the Talmud with ease.

This item includes:
  • Gemora-Rashi and Tosfos typset with nekudos
  • Slightly enlgarged text and spaces
  • All Roshei Teivos are open in the margin
  • Tzuras Hadaf unaltered from the original Vilna text
  • Complete clear new print
  • Available only in hardcover


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