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Word by Word - Complete Daily Hebrew Prayer Book

  • Word by Word - Complete Daily Hebrew Prayer Book

Product Description

New Products About - Word by Word - Complete Daily Hebrew Prayer Book

Word by Word Prayer Book Series divides the Hebrew Prayer Book into 24 Courses. Each component is further broken down to a sub-section where you are taught one word at a time.
You learn the meaning of the Hebrew words in Prayer sentence context, and as a standalone Hebrew word. This will help you quickly build your Hebrew Prayer Vocabulary. After you
learn the meaning you are taught the pronunciation in Hebrew. To further clarify the pronunciation of the Hebrew, each word is transliterated, and pronounced in clear human voice with an
Israeli Sephardic dialect. We all know that a good foundation in Hebrew Vocabulary is essential to understanding the Hebrew Prayers. Word by Word will give you that, and more. It will
increase your Hebrew Reading ability and comprehension. From now on, Praying will be exciting - you will be able to focus on the meaning of what you are praying and appreciate what
you are saying. AMEN!

Features - Word by Word - Complete Daily Hebrew Prayer Book

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